Our keynote study day opening session is titled "Internationalising the Curriculum: Towards a Better World" and it will be presented by Betty Leask and Konstantinos Petridis
Abstract (Prof. Betty Leask)
Much has been written about the importance of developing in all students the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need to live and thrive as professionals and citizens in an increasingly fragile world – one which is as fragmented as it is connected. In this short address I will discuss the rationales for internationalisation of the curriculum that are emerging from the challenges faced by the world today, and the importance of connecting and collaborating with colleagues near and far as part of the process of internationalising the curriculum for a better world.
Abstract (Prof. Konstantinos Petridis)
My presentation aims to explore the influence of internationalization on the growth and development of individuals and academic institutions within the higher education sector. By sharing my own experiences and examining the internationalization process at HMU as a case study, I intend to illustrate and measure this impact.