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Roberto Mugnani


Director of Program Development

Mount Holyoke College

As Director of Program Development, I am currently engaged in starting up new interdisciplinary graduate degree and professional learning programs in transformative leadership, innovation and informatics. I have also designed and implemented summer and other short-term international cultural exchange and academic programs for university scholars and professionals as well as started up tech programs for middle and high school girls.

Previously, I worked at the SIT (School for International Training) Graduate Institute in Vermont, USA, where I collaborated with faculty, and other partner organizations in World Learning’s global network to develop new initiatives, such as peacebuilding and leadership programs for young people from cultures in conflict and new training and degree programs focusing on policy advocacy, peacebuilding and organizational management for international NGO leaders. Many of those programs, particularly the low residency International Education, the Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Master of Arts programs and various youth peace camps, are still thriving. I also managed the Ford Foundation’s International Fellowships Program (IFP) at World Learning to organize residential leadership programs that trained over a thousand IFP Fellows around the world.

I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I began my international education career as an English teacher and program director at The Language Experience, the Experiment in International Living’s cultural exchange program representative in Argentina.

+1 (413) 538-3450

Roberto Mugnani
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